
ISP Trooper Sheetz begins solo patrol

Last Updated on June 27, 2023 by Indiana State Police

Peru- On December 15, 2022, Eleven Probationary Troopers graduated from the 83rd Indiana State Police Academy. Probationary Trooper Jarod Sheetz reported for duty to the Peru District.

Trooper Sheetz is a native of Rochester and a 2013 graduate of Rochester Community High School. Sheetz is a member of the Army National Guard, where he continues to serve today. Sheetz holds a military rank of Sergeant and specializes as a Combat Medic.

Sheetz has successfully completed, a three-month field training period, working alongside veteran troopers. Field training aims to give troopers a practical application to the training they received throughout the formal academy. Their curriculum included criminal law instruction, emergency vehicle operations, psychology, traffic law, crash investigation, self-defense, first responder, and other general law enforcement-related training.

Sheetz will primarily patrol Cass County. The Peru District serves Cass, Fulton, Grant, Howard, Miami, Wabash, and Tipton Counties.

Individuals seeking information on a rewarding career as an Indiana State Trooper can look online at This website will provide a detailed synopsis of the application process and career information about the Indiana State Police Department.

SOURCE: News release from Indiana State Police

Cass County Online