Panhandle Pathway Trail Talk, Issues 30 and 31

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Last Updated on January 12, 2025 by Cass County Communication Network

The following info is from the Friends of the Panhandle Pathway:

Almost every day Steve Nichols goes out to the Panhandle Pathway for a walk with his 11 year old dog, Ralph. They typically walk on the trail from the trailhead at Pulaski County Road 150 South to the Tippecanoe River bridge. That’s about a mile and a half to the bridge and back. For a change up, they sometimes walk north towards town. Some days they will get in two or even three walks. Ralph is old and slow but he always enjoys going for a walk on the trail. Who is taking who for this walk? Steve or Ralph?

Lookin’ good. Keep it going guys!

The new caution lighting system at the corner of Indiana State Road 14 and Hathaway Street in Winamac was part of the Panhandle Pathway north trail extension and is called a Rapid Repeating Flashing Beacon (RRFB). This combination of lights and signs are in place there to add an extra margin of safety when crossing the highway. This traffic warning system is intended to raise awareness of motorists, pedestrians and bicycle riders.

It is important to note here that this new flashing beacon is not a stop light. Trail user crossing at this intersection still need to wait until traffic is clear, press the RRFB activation button and then proceed across the highway with caution.

These two solar powered signs consist of yellow & white rectangular shaped flashing indicator lights, each with a light-emitting diode (LED). These RRFBs are placed on both sides of the crosswalk and are activated by the pedestrian/bicycle rider. A pushbutton, located at the bottom of each sign post activates the flashing beacon. When activated, the flashing warning light stays on and flashes for approximately 20 seconds. According to the Federal Highway Administration, these signs significantly improve motorists’ awareness of pedestrians and bicycle riders when approaching the intersection.

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