GET TO KNOW: United Way of Cass County
Last Updated on September 15, 2016 by cassnetwork
We want people to know about all the great things our community has to offer, so we’re inviting every business, organization and program in Cass County to be featured on Cass County Online. All you have to do is use this form to tell us about yourself.
This week’s featured organization is United Way of Cass County. Their office is located at 1 Cass City Center #216 in downtown Logansport and is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 574-753-3533 or visit them online at www.unitedwayofcasscounty.org.
United Way is a non-profit organization that raises funds for other Cass County non-profits. The twelve agencies we allocate funding to annually are American Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boy Scouts Sagamore Council, Cass County Council on Aging, Cass County Family YMCA, Cass County Reading Railroad, Food Finders Food Bank, Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana Michiana, Logansport Backpack Program, Peak Community Services, The Salvation Army, & Southeastern Buddy Bags.
We fund specific programs for these agencies who show us what a great impact they are making on the community.
In addition to allocating monies to these organizations, the United Way office also does their own programs.
Reading Railroad is a United Way funded program who serves youth from birth to first grade. We belong to and advocate for 2-1-1, Family Wize Prescription Drug Discount Cards, run the Cass County Resource Network and work with the agencies year around on their community impact progress. United Way took on 32 conversations within the community over an 18 month period which resulted in several community aspirations which we continually work on through the Cass County Resource Network.
United Way of Cass County has moved from being a fundraising organization to being an impact agency of its own. In the early years, funds were raised for other organizations. Today, we continue with a campaign for raising funds for others but in addition, we are making our own impact in Cass County through Income, Education and Health.
We do a lot of good work in the community with very limited staff. The key players are Chris Armstrong, Executive Director; Lisa Terry, Director of Donor Relations & Resource Development and Chelsea Epp, Director of Impact Strategies & Director of Reading Railroad.
“Our staff is all very new and is working hard to build relationships in the community,” Armstrong says. “We all have a heart to serve and invest in the lives of our community members in an active hands-on way!”
The United Way campaign runs all year long. It is a very lengthy process. We also do Live United Day where hundreds of volunteers come out on a given day (this year is September 16th) to do volunteer work in the community. Projects include working at various non-profits, schools, homes, etc. The work being done this year ranges from painting to landscaping to electrical. Projects are submitted to us and we determine whether or not we can take the project on. This year we are involving several carpenters, an electrician, two construction companies, an excavating company as well as students and just wonderful helping people in general.
Another thing we would like for people to know is that every dollar counts! No amount given is too big or too small. People might find it odd that the majority of givers in the community are those who make the least. They understand the importance of what we are doing for people right here in Cass County.
“When giving to our agency, your money stays here,” Armstrong says. ” I think that is really important.”
Anyone can contribute to United Way of Cass County whether it’s through a monetary donation or giving of your time. There are various ways to volunteer. A person can help on Live United Day or Reading Railroad has several options for volunteers to read to and interact with children. If you want to give monetarily and you don’t work or your workplace does not run a campaign, you can donate through United Way’s website, stop by the office or mail a check. Your contribution goes a long way!