Cass County Election Board issues statement regarding 2020 primary election
Last Updated on April 18, 2020 by cassnetwork
SOURCE: Statement from Cass County Election Board
On March 20, 2020, Governor Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-07 postponing the date of the primary election to June 2, 2020. As a result of that Order, several election-related dates have been pushed back. Updated dates are below.
The election board still recommends that voters apply to vote absentee via paper ballots instead of planning to visit a vote center in person. The absentee application and instructions are available on the Cass County website at https://www.co.cass.in.us/departments/a-d/clerk/absentee-voting.
These applications must be received by mail, emailed (ballots@co.cass.in.us) or faxed (574-753-6147) to the Clerk’s office by May 21, 2020.
Early voting at the Courthouse is scheduled to start on May 5, 2020.
Additional updates will be provided as they become available. Questions may be directed to the Cass County Clerk’s voter registration office @ 574-753-7870.
Cass County Election Board
James Austen, Andrew Stephenson, Beth Liming