FSSA offers guidance to Hoosier parents and child care providers related to COVID-19
Last Updated on March 12, 2020 by cassnetwork
SOURCE: News release from Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
INDIANAPOLIS –The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, the state agency responsible for the regulation of child care programs in Indiana, offered the following guidance on March 11 for parents of school-aged children related to the 2019 novel (new) coronavirus orCOVID-19:
Children who are out of school
- due to possible contact with a positive case
It is strongly recommended that caregivers for these children during this timeframe NOT be older than age 65 or have a chronic disease or be in an immunosuppressed state.
FSSA also posted a set of frequently asked questions and answers and guidance on several matters related to COVID-19 for child care providers. That document is found here.
FSSA encourages parents and child care providers to check back frequently for updates as guidance could evolve rapidly at the direction of the Indiana State Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We will post updates to the guidance document and issue news releases as necessary. ISDH is also continuously updating information about COVID-19 here.
FSSA’s top commitment is to Hoosier health. Families may search for child care options near their homes or workplaces, or along the route of their commute, at www.childcarefinder.in.gov or call 800-299-1627 for assistance from an early learning referral specialist